Where is my Federal and State Tax Refunds?
If you have already filed your Federal and State tax returns but have not received you tax refunds, here’s a great tip on how to quickly locate your IRS & California money! Both websites have been improved for 2012 Tax Refunds and work great!
How to Locate Your IRS Refund
First go to this page
You will need to have the following items available:
- Social Security #
- Filing Status on 2010 Form 1040/1040A/1040EZ
- Exact Refund Amount
The IRS usually has information about your refund 72 hours after IRS acknowledges receipt of your e-filed return, or approximately four weeks after mailing a paper return.
To watch a IRS Youtube video on this subject, visit:
How to Locate Your California Refund
Go to this page
You will need to have the following items available:
- Social Security #
- Your mailing address
- Exact Refund Amount
You will generally receive your state tax refund within 7-10 days if you e-filed your return or approximately 8-12 weeks from the date you mailed your return.
To check our some common FAQs regarding California refunds, visit https://www.ftb.ca.gov/individuals/faq/refunds.shtml