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Design and Deliver small business success training to micro-businesses and their accounting and tax partners

Entrepreneurship is not a destination, it’s a journey.
It can be your gateway and calling to follow your passion and live your life’s purpose with intention and significance. It can be your path to financial happiness. You can choose Entrepreneurship or Entrepreneurship can choose you.

Mariette Martinez


Design and Deliver small business success training

My two primary target markets are:

  • Service-Based Micro-Businesses & Solopreneurs
  • Bookkeeping, Accounting & Tax Preparation Solo-Practitioners

My premier training is delivered with the intent to connect entrepreneurs and their financial professionals together so that they may grow together towards sustainable financial success.

My consulting sessions and workshops are designed to deep dive into specific financial topics and technologies with the goal to equip Entrepreneurs with a guided road map to meet their S.M.A.R.T. financial business and personal goals.